Muscle and Joint Pain Treatments

Musculoskeletal and Joint Treatments often using ultrasound guidance.

Traumeel Injections are used for musculoskeletal and joint pain and inflammation. Traumeel is a safe anti-inflammatory alternative to steroids that’s been used in the United States since 1986 and in Europe since 1937. There is no evidence of the “rebound effect” (inflammation returning to a greater degree than prior treatment), which is often experienced with steroid use.

Trigger Point Injections are used to treat trigger points (TPs) also known as myofascial trigger points which include ‘a typical pattern of pain referred from the TPs and, on examination, local spot tenderness in a palpably tense band of muscle fibers within a muscle that is shortened and weak’ per Dr. Travell who was the first authority on these points.

These points which are tender to palpation can be injected and improve the tender point and the corresponding pattern of pain. There are multiple agents that can be injected into these tender areas to improve the pain.

Joint Injections are used to help improve pain, function and inflammation in the joint. There are multiple different injectates that can be used in the solution to be injected.  

Acupuncture Points are used to help with pain and dysfunction. These areas can be treated with acupuncture needles or various injections.

Prolotherapy/PRP/Stem Cell Injections can also be used to treat muscle and joint pain. See more information under the Regenerative Medicine Therapies page.

Perineural (Lyftogt technique) therapy Injections is another treatment for muscle and joint pain. See more information under the Nerve & Neuropathy Treatments page.

Neural Therapy is a treatment system for chronic pain and illness. It involves the injection of local anesthetics into autonomic ganglia, peripheral nerves, scars, glands, trigger points, and other tissues. It is believed to act through normalizing the illness-related dysfunction of the nervous system. Neural Therapy was originally developed in Germany by the Huneke brothers. It involves the injection of Procaine (also known as Novocaine), a common local anesthetic, into various but very specific areas. Neural Therapy is based on the theory that trauma can produce long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical function of tissues.

Nutritional Therapy and Exercise & Diet Counseling is also available.